Friday, December 30, 2011

My new year's resolution's

A new year is about to be upon me and I actually am going to make some resolutions this year. There are a couple of things I need to start doing better because in April there are going to be some changes in our house!

1. My mother-in-law is so good at cleaning up her kitchen immediately after she is done with it....I on the other hand am terrible at this. I make such a mess and then I don't clean it up until the weekend. It is an awful habit and I have to change it. So starting January 1st my goal is to clean the kitchen every single night before I go to bed or retire to the couch to watch tv so I won't have to worry about it anymore.

2. My second resolution is to eat more vegetables. I know this is cliche, but I really need to try some different kinds of veggies. I love fruit and have no problem eating that, but vegetables are a different story. The only veggie I really like is green beans and I'm mostly having it in green bean casserole. So I'm going to start buying some veggies to bring as my afternoon snack when school starts back up.

3. My third and probably hardest resolution is going to be letting what other people are doing with their lives not stress me out. I am a worry-wart and I always have been. I just can't help it, and when someone I really care about makes a decision that I don't necessarily agree with, I'm going to let it go. Now obviously if it's something life changing and could effect them for a long time I plan on speaking my mind, but if it's those little things that just drive me crazy I have to learn to let them go. When I say let them go, I mean don't lay awake at night thinking about those things. I wake up in the middle of the night and think why did they do that, and I can't fall back asleep. This obsession with worrying about other people has to stop. I'm sure in April I will have a new obsession with worrying about a baby and I can worry about that as much as I want right?

I plan to see these resolutions through and do my best to make a few changes this upcoming year. I hope everyone has a happy new year!

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