Sunday, February 5, 2012

My speech

My goal was to post my speech for my sister's wedding last Sunday, but as usual time slipped away from me and I'm a week late.
My sister's wedding went off without a hitch! It was short and sweet, just like I like for weddings to be. She looked beautiful and didn't even faint! Sarah is terrified to be in front of an audience and she kept saying she was going to faint, but luckily she did great.
I almost didn't get to give my speech because the restaurant where the reception was held was so loud. We had the reception at Las Vaqueros in the Stockyards, and if you've never been there this place is huge. We were in a back room, but because it was Saturday night it was incredibly packed and that had a Mariachi band that was quite loud. I didn't want to give my speech because it was so loud that no one would be able to hear me anyway.
My mom convinced me to put on my loud teacher voice, which I won't lie projects quite well, and give my speech. Here is my speech for those who have asked to hear it:
I started off telling the people that one of my favorite books was Tuesday's with Morrie by Mitch Albom and then I read this section of the book.
" I've learned this much about marriage," he said now. "You get tested. You find out who you are, who the other person is, and how you accommodate or don't."
Is there some kind of rule to know if a marriage is going to work?
Morrie smiled. "Things are not that simple, Mitch" I know.
"Still," he said, " there are a few rules I know to be true about love and marriage: If you don't respect the other person, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. If you don't know how to compromise, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. If you can't talk openly about what goes on between you, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. And if you don't have a common set of values in life, you're going to have a lot of trouble. Your values must be alike.
" And the biggest one of those values, Mitch?"
"Your belief in the importance of your marriage."

With that being said, I want Robert and Sarah to know that marriage isn't just a ceremony, its a journey you get to go on with your soul mate. And I know this to be true because in my short 3 1/2 years of marriage life has thrown many curveballs and without my soul mate, I may not have survived. Now Robert, I know Sarah is a very emotional and passionate person, but she is never dull and always entertaining. So I'm sure your journey will be one with lots of fun. Now I can't say she won't be any trouble because trouble is her middle name, but Sarah won't ever be boring and you will never know what she's going to do next, which will make the ride that much more exciting.
To my sister and her new husband: enjoy the journey and remember we love you.

I think the words I was able to come up with pretty much sum up my sister because you never know what to expect with her, but that is what makes life more fun! I wish my sister and Robert the best and I know that their lives together will be full of joy and love.

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