Saturday, April 28, 2012

I couldn't be any happier!

A little over a week ago a perfect little angel entered my world! Adelyn Michelle Aelvoet decided to grace us with her presence on her actual due date, April 19th! I have wanted a baby for such a long time and I am so blessed to have her. I wanted to share her delivery story since she was not expected to come on time!
On Monday April 16th, I went for my weekly appointment and I was still not dilated or having any contractions. My doctor and I decided to set her induction date for Wednesday April 25th, almost a week after her due date. Little did I know, Adelyn had other plans!
Well on Wednesday the 18th around 10:45 I was having a little come to Jesus meeting with one of my students when all of a sudden a severe pain shot through my back. I told the student to go sit down and I would talk to him a minute. Well that back pain came and went for the rest of the day. It wasn't unbearable, just uncomfortable. Well I called my doctor that afternoon just to let her know what was going on. She told me to go to Labor and Delivery to get it checked out. So that is what I did. After 2 hours, I learned that I was having contractions every 2-4 minutes in my back, but I wasn't dilated, so they sent me home. Rene and I went and got something small to eat and headed home. The nurses had told me to take some Tylenol and take a hot bath. Well 11 pm rolled around and I had taken the medication and taken 3 baths and the back pain was almost unbearable. Everytime I would have a contraction I had to sit down and rock myself because it hurt so bad. I told Rene we had to go back to the hospital cause I was in so much pain. We loaded the car and returned around 11:30.
They hooked me up to the machines and once again told me I wasn't dilated. All they could do for me was give me some phengren (sp?) and some pain meds. This made me a little woosy, but it didn't take away the pain. All night long Rene had to listen to me moan everytime I had another contration. The medication helped to slow them down, but didn't make them any less painful.
The next morning, the 19th, around 5:30 am my doctor came in to see me. She told before even checking me that even though I was contracting every 2-4 minutes all night long I still wasn't dilated and therefore they had to send me home. I was about to start screaming because there was no way I was going home in this much pain. She decided to go ahead and check my cervix one more time and guess what: I had dilated to a 3. The doctor looked at me and said forget everything I just said because your staying here. I breathed the biggest sigh of relief. She told me I could have the epidural within the hour. Our only problem was that little Adelyn was facing the wrong way inside my stomach. She was still head down, but she was face up. They said the only solution was to turn my over and move my body as much as possible during the day so that hopefully she would turn over. Her position was the reason for this awful back labor I was experiencing.

So once I got the epidural I felt tons better!!! My awesome nurse, Kathie, helped to turn me over and move my body around for pretty much most of the day. My parents and Rene sat and watched me basically all day long. Around 3:30 p.m. they checked me and I was dilated to a 10! So the pushing began. I pushed a couple of times and Adelyn's heart rate dropped too low so we had to stop for awhile. They turned me over several more times and then about 30 minutes later I began pushing again! Thanks to Kathie and Rene she finally made her way out (still turned the wrong direction) at 4:32 p.m. She was 6 lb. 15 oz and 19 inches long!
I was so happy and so relieved that she looked absolutely normal and she was just perfect. Most people know about my chromosome problems as well as Adelyn's and when Rene brought her over to me I knew that everything was absolutely perfect and she couldn't be anymore perfect! I was and still am in heaven!
Now we have been home for a week and we are just in love with her! We are still working on some kind of a schedule but we are getting there! This week would have been chaotic if it weren't for Rene's mom, who has been here cleaning and cooking our every meal. We are so thankful for her and are going to be sad when she leaves tomorrow.
Adelyn is already so loved and I am so glad that God gave me a second chance! Now it's breakfast time for Adelyn.....stay tuned!


  1. I'm so happy for you! Glad everything is going great and that Adelyn got here safe and sound! Can't wait to hear more about her! By the way, I have a feeling you'll be blogging a bunch and wanted you to know that you can turn your blog into a book. Even though I'm a scrapbooker, it's nice to have as a reference for when you scrapbook. I use Blog2Print but I'm sure there are more companies out there.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!! What a wonderful birth story! Welcome to the world Adelyn! PS Did you know all three of Mr James' daughter were "sunny side up" :)

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