Thursday, March 15, 2012

God can be pretty humorous sometimes.....

So everyone that knows me, is well aware that I am an anal planner. I can't help it. I try not to plan things, but it just happens. I planned out my entire spring break day by day. I had so many things that I wanted to get done. The most important thing I wanted to start and finish was the nursery. I had all of the furniture delivered the Friday spring break started so that I would have all week to work my magic. Well sometimes plans can play a funny trick on you. The Wednesday before spring break a pipe decided to bust in our hallway, which led to basically a flood. At first I wasn't that upset because it was just on the wood, the bathroom and the laundry room. This was no big deal because I knew we could just dry it up. Well as I proceeded to move stuff around in the baby room for the furniture I noticed that the carpet was all wet. I yelled at Rene to come quickly. We then figured out that the water had leaked into the baby room and guest bedroom basically destroying the carpet. I instantly became a person that I am not proud of. I took all my anger out on my husband (I'm sorry Rene) and started yelling and talking about how unsafe this was and it had to be fixed. I finally calmed down and went to bed.
My husband arranged for the people to come out and fix it the next day. Lucky for me I did not have to take off of work for this. That night I had open house, well my husband called to say that the entire floor was ruined and the insurance adjuster would be coming the Wednesday of spring break to see if we could get any money for the damages. Once again my heart started racing and I'm sure my blood pressure hit the roof for a little while. My entire spring break plans were falling apart. Now not only could I not fix up the room, but I had to wait almost 5 days to see if this mess could actually be fixed. I looked up to the ceiling and I knew then and there that God was laughing down at me. I am in the worst cleaning phase I have ever been in, and when your house is a disaster and you REALLY really want to clean it, but you can't, your nerves go insane.......
So once again I had to calm myself down and tell myself over and over that this would be okay.
Rene and I went to look at carpet and tile samples just in case we would actually get new flooring. We are on a time crunch here people.
I picked out a beautiful carpet and a perfect tile to I just had to wait for the adjuster.
The adjuster was supposed to come over between 12-2 on Wednesday. I get a call on Tuesday night at 8 p.m. saying that he can't make it because he had a sick child. Well this pregnant woman could not handle that. I stayed very calm (because I know this is the person who determines if I get money) and I explained to him that this wasn't going to work. I needed him to find a replacement. Then I pulled the pregnancy card and said I am on a time crunch here and I really need this done. I think he could sense my frustration on the phone and he asked if he could come when his wife got off work. I said great!!
Well the guy came over, I should mention that his name is Greg, and he is a very nice man. He had me explain exactly what happened over a voice recorder. I told him everything and then he got to work. Within 10 minutes, he informed me that our entire wood floor would need to be replaced due to damages. I started panicking again, but I didn't say anything. I let him do all of the measurements and waited until he was finished. Rene was afraid that I might say something and make them not give us money. Rene should really learn to trust me more. When it was all said and done, Greg informed me that the insurance will pay to have all of the wood floor replaced, new carpet in the two bedrooms, tile in the guest bathroom and laundry room, and to patch the four holes that were dug into our walls to fix the broken pipe. I let out a HUGE sigh of relief. Though I am still not sure of how much we will get, I immediately went over to the carpet place and signed up for the carpet to be installed. I am waiting on the tile to see how much we get from the insurance.
So here I am today 35 weeks pregnant and not a thing in my house is ready. Though I am getting new carpet installed on Tuesday I am still freaking out about my house not being ready. I have had nightly talks with this little girl inside my tummy telling her that I can't wait to meet her, but she is just going to have to stay put until I get this taken care. So as you can see my spring break did not go as planned. I spent the majority of the time stressing about carpet and tile and the rest of the time making long-term sub plans, which I never want to do again (those are not fun). Hopefully I can spend the last three days enjoying the sun, resting, and attending two of the baby showers that some very special people are throwing for me.
In conclusion to my spring break adventure, God really can be humorous. I know he laughs at me everytime I make plans, yet I still make them. One of these days I am going to let go and let God take of these days!

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