Monday, August 8, 2011

The anxiety has begun

Lately I have been having what I like to consider stress related nightmares. I am normally not a night dreamer, but lately I have been woken by dreams that have forced me awake and trying to catch my breath. Some of these dreams I think have come from the kind of books I've been reading such as the Hunger games or the Mortal Instruments series, but my other dreams have come because of the start of school. I know there are so many changes ahead of me at school and I must admit that I am quite nervous. My room is not even close to being ready and I spent most of the day doing an online training program that is required for the district. Then in the mail I received a postcard from The Texas Classroom Teachers Association (see below) that basically caused my stress/nervous/anxiety level to sky rocket. And I mean SKY ROCKET. Immediately when I read this my heart started pounding because I know this postcard to be true. This year is going to be a bumpy ride wth all of the state mandated changes and the risks of teacher job losses. I have complete faith in my administrators, my team, and in myself so I'm not sure why I am so uneasy. I already know some of my students and their parents, which helps to relieve my stress because they are great people, but I still am a bit on edge. I don't like feeling overwhelmed before the year has even started so I'm thinking a much needed pampering day is in my near future. I'm thinking finger and toe nails along with a massage and maybe a facial!! Hopefully this will help my nerves to calm and find that strength inside me that I know I possess to get my classroom finished and be ready for the school year. It has been a long and hard summer and school is so much fun for me that I know it will help to ease the pain I've been experiencing. So if anyone reads this, please pray that my nerves stop dancing and go to sleep at night.

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