Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cowboy's Game!!

So I finally got to attend a Cowboy's football game! I have loved the Cowboys ever since I was little. I can even remember a party where the Cowboys won the Super Bowl and everyone was high fiving and it was so much fun. Now yes, that was quite a long time ago, but I'm sure they will get there again. I was able to attend the Cowboys game all thanks to Dairy MAX. Dairy MAX is a spokesgroup for dairy farms across the nation. Their company goes out into the community and promotes dairy. Well about a week ago they listed details for a contest they were having on their facebook page. The requirements were to post a picture of yourself in your favorite Cowboys attire while eating dairy. So only hoping to win, I posted the picture below!

After waiting five days....I heard the great news! I was selected as the winner of the contest. The winner received two FREE tickets to first game of the year! I was so very excited! So as soon as Rene got off work we headed to the stadium. We did receive some wrong directions on where to park and had to walk quite a long way to the stadium, but it did cool down a little bit so it wasn't too bad. Once we got to the stadium we walked around and did all of the tourist stuff. Going to the game isn't just going to watch the Cowboys play anymore, it's about enjoying the entire Cowboys experience. There are tons of activities to see and do before, during, and after the game. Our seats were up at the top, but we were right infront of that big television. At one point during the game, the tv went out for like 1 minute and everyone in the stands was booing. It was kind of funny! The best part is that the Cowboys won the game! We did leave a little before the game ended, but being my first day back to work I was completely exhausted! I can't wait to go again sometime in the future!

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