Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our new house

So yesteday, June 24th, at 2:38 p.m. I accomplished number 19 on my list of twenty-five things to do. I bought a house with Rene! I still can't believe I'm old enough to own a house.

Our new house is located in NRH, about three minutes from my parents, which Rene thinks is AWESOME! :) It is also in the same area that I went to school.

Today we held a paint party at our new house. I've learned a couple of things about painting a house.

1. Always take over the position of supervisor because it makes your day go by so much quicker.

2. Do not get your nails done the week you paint a new house.

3. Paint does go through lime green socks.

4. If you offer free pizza and beer to your friends they can't say no to helping you paint.

5. Let the tall people get the tall ceilings and let the little people do the bottom of the wall.

6. My dad is the best painter there is!

We had so much fun at our paint party and we appreciate all of the people who came out so here is my pubilc thank you to those people: Thanks to my mom and dad, Blake, Sarah, Stephanie, Lauren, Suzanne, Hannah, and Houston! We could not have got as much done as we did without your help!

So tomorrow starts day two of the paint party and I can't wait!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Who comes up with paint names....?

Why in the world is it so hard to decide on a paint color? I know that I am quite crafty when it comes to scrapbook projects, but when it comes to pick out paint colors I am completely clueless. The past couple of days I have been to Home Depot several times to figure out what types of paint colors to use in our new house. First, I had my heart set on bright yellow, I have no idea why since none of my furniture even comes close to matching yellow. Then I wanted a soft blue tone because after inspecting my stuff again I realized I have different shades of blue in all of our patterns. My mom helped me to narrow down the main color......rain water. This is kind of a mix between a light green and a light blue.

I love this color and the two words together because it makes me think of something soothing. The thought of soft rain trickling down the window sounds so calming. I guess naming the paint is quite simple because when you look at the colors you just imagine what they look like. Though rain water is the only name we chose that actually makes sense.

My mother-in-law helped me to determine the rest of the colors. I have decided on the color geyser for the kitchen. It is a darker shade of blue and goes well with the rain water. Though when I think of geyser, I think of visiting Yellowstone last year and all I saw was white in that geyser. But I guess it is a pretty image so I can live with that.

The other color I chose is sand piper. Now when I say this word the only thing that comes to mind is a really tan piper. This color is kind of a silvery cream. It is really simple, yet elegant looking. Even though the name drives me crazy I decided to go with it.

I think the biggest problem for me is that I read into the names and therefore I can't see the big picture. I can only imagine that little card and can't imagine the whole wall. Maybe that is because I've never owned a home so it is kind of unreal at this point. Also, maybe it means I'm becoming a grown-up. Only grown-ups can own a home right?

I still feel like a kid in my body, maybe that's because I get to play and interact with five year olds all day, or that my husband plays xbox and acts like a kid all the time.

I guess I need to find the grown up in me so I can imagine what my house will look like so I can make it beautiful! I know the kid in me will never leave, but the grown up in me has to put my foot down and make some paint decisions.

So for those of you that read my blog, please pray for me because owning a home is a new challenge for me and I intend to be good at it.

P.S.- I've told myself that its okay to change the color as many times as I want to so that its right for me!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

There is a new sunrise every day

So I know that I have been MIA from my blog for awhile. There are many reasons for this, some of which don't need explaning but I wanted to write a little something that I've learned about myself in the past 10 weeks that I sincerely did not know about myself. So here goes....
1. I can cry A LOT. I have never been an emotional person and it seems that as I get older and life gets harder my emotions just overcome me and I can't stop them.
2. It is okay to let things be all about ME occasionally. (thanks Jen)
3. The people you least expect will surprise you and it means so much to you!
4. My family is tougher than I thought and supports me in all decisions I make.
5. I can't always be in control, though I would like to be.
6. I am on the best and I mean the BEST kindergarten team on the planet. Some of you may beg to differ, but I don't think any group of girls can top the girls that I work with everyday. I would not have survived the past year of my life without these girls. No matter where life takes me far in the future, I know we will always share a special bond. Thank you Joanne, Christian, Jennifer, and Janelle.
7. He would probably kill me if he saw this, but my husband has a soft side. I know when we got married we promised to stick by each other and agree to disagree on certain issues. That time was put to the test this past year and just like I knew we would, we stuck by each other, which will only make us stronger.
7. God has a plan for us, even if that plan doesn't always line up with the plan we have for ourselves. I'm slowly learning to let go and have faith that he will guide me in the right direction.

With all of that being said I have had to change some of the things on my list of 25 things to do. I am no longer taking a picture for everyday of being 25. This was an awesome goal, but one that just didn't fit into my life this year. There were some days where a picture couldn't even describe how I was feeling. So instead of my picture for a day, I have decided to volunteer for something I care about. That is why today, my husband and I are teaching 2nd grade Sunday School at the church that we will probably be joining this summer, Whites Chapel United Methodist Church.

I have always been a happy go lucky person and will always be that type of person. I can't help but smile even when I have tears, because I know that God won't put me through anything I can't handle and I know that I will have family and friends to walk beside me every step of the way.

Off to Sunday School I go.......