Sunday, August 19, 2012

She's getting too big!!

So my little Adelyn is four months old today. We had a full day of shopping planned, but little missy has not been a happy camper. Friday she went to the doctor for her four month check up. She weighs 15.3 lbs and is 24 1/2 inches long, and she had to get four shots. Saturday she woke up with crusty junk all over her nose and then her nose was runny all day long. Then today she woke up again sneezing and was fussy all day. Her neck ended up locking on her again and my shopping adventure was cut short so that I could go home and basically rock her while she slept all afternoon. After two go rounds of tylenol she woke up around 5:30 feeling much better!!! She was laughing and talking up a storm!
At her doctor's appointment we found out that Adelyn needs to have a little bit of physical therapy to help her neck situation. She severly leans her head to her right side pretty much of the time. The doctor thinks she will grow out of it eventually but recommended we do a couple of therapy sessions to be sure. Thankfully, her Bella will be able to take her to PT.
The doctor also told us to start her on rice cereal since she still isn't sleeping through the night. I'm clueless about this stuff and of course my husband didn't ask any questions. I mean I don't know how to give the cereal and when and how much. So a call to the doctor is in order for Monday!
Adelyn is a super big girl except that she's still kind of on the short side. She can still wear most of her three month clothes but we are having an issue with the 6th month clothes. In the 6 month clothes she is close to the end of the weight limit, yet she is at the very bottom for the length. So things are kind of tight around her chest, yet like 5 inches too long! The clothes that fit her best are the ones labeled 3-6 months! So we have been in search of those clothes this past weekend!
She is getting so much better at tummy time finally! She loves to grab things and puts pretty much everything in her mouth. She prefers our fingers to her pacifier now, though she always takes her paci when it is bed time. We are still sleeping in the swing.....I can't let go just yet.
I had to go back to work this past Thursday and it was awful. I told myself that I wasn't going to cry, but I cried the entire way there and then for about another two hours after I dropped her off :( The first day I picked her up she wouldn't even look at me....she was looking at her sitter with big smiles. I won't lie, I was super sad. But the next day I picked her up she was crying and as soon as I grabbed her she stopped, so that made me feel much better!!!!! I was also able to successfully nurse while at work. Our schedule is going to work out perfect in order for me to able to nurse for the 6 months that I want to!!
Though I am sad about not getting to see her all day long, I'm glad for some normal adult interaction in my life again. I will be making the most out of my weekends that is for sure!
Now that school is about to start we are getting ready for football season and we will make sure Adelyn knows which teams to root for!!! GEAUX TECH!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What a crazy week

This has been the craziest week for Miss Adelyn and I and it is only Wednesday! So about a month ago I started having these severe pains in both of my wrists when I would pick Adelyn up. I experienced these pains in college and they were not able to figure out what was wrong. I just told myself to ignore them and they would go away. Unfortunately they did not go away and I started having trouble picking her up because it was too painful. So I had to make an appointment to see the orthopedic. Well turns out I had a severe case of tendinitis in both of my wrists. I had to have a cortisone shot in both wrist and I now have to wear a brace on my right wrist because it is pretty tight. The shots weren't too bad. I am still nursing so to be safe I pumped and dumped for about 6 hours after the shots. I think I almost cried watching the milk go down the drain. That breast milk is so precious I hated to waste it. On top of all of that going on, we waited at the orthopedic office for almost 3 hours. My little Adelyn was such a trooper and did great the entire time!
Well we made it to Tuesday and things took a turn for the worse......we had our first trip to the ER :(
I was taking Adelyn out of the car at my mom's house and she started screaming. The only thing I could see visibly wrong was that she was kind of pulling her leg up and squishing her body to one side. I brought her inside and tried to calm her down by feeding her. This did not work and the screaming escalated. I started to notice that everytime I picked her up a certain way she would throw her arms out like she was falling. Something just wasnt right. I called her pediatrician and he said to come on in. By the time we got to his office Adelyn was holding her head to her left side and she could barely move her should or her neck. Of course I was in panic mode and I think she was too. Dr. Radimecky looked at her and sent us to the ER at Cook's right away. Rene met us at the hospital. When we took her back for paperwork and they started moving her around to take her blood pressure Adelyn freaked out. She started screaming the loudest I have ever heard her scream and cried so much she produced tears, which has never happened. You could just tell she was in pain. As she sat there crying I started crying and just held her and rocked her. They put us in room #71 where we waited for the doctor. She finally fell asleep and calmed down. Once she fell asleep her body relaxed quite a bit and her head kind of shifted. They came and took X-rays on her and thankfully nothing was broken. They ended up diagnosing her with "torticollis." The doctor said because of the way she holds her head (that is also the way she spits up) her muscles were overused on one side causing them to spasm in her neck and her shoulder. They kind of locked on her and she tensed up not allowing the muscles to relax. They told us to start stretching her neck out everyday so it doesn't get locked on one side and they also recommended we check for a hip alignment as sometimes this can be caused by one hip not being connected properly. After a long day of tears and then a long night of sleep she is feeling SOOOO much better today. I actually got several smiles from her this morning. Hopefully that will be our first and last trip to the ER for awhile because I'm not sure my blood pressure can take another one!!!
Such a brave girl

Finally fell asleep

So here we are on Wednesday with more appointments to come so hopefully we survive them all with smiles and class!!!