Tuesday, May 29, 2012

6 weeks already

I cannot believe it has been almost 6 weeks since Adelyn was born. She will be six weeks old on Thursday. Things have gotten so much better at our house, though I have no idea how people go back to work in 6 weeks because I'm not ready. I am still only getting a couple of hours of sleep at night and I'm still in pain (down there if you know what I mean). I can't imagine going back to work in a week. I think I will have to try really hard to plan to have the rest of my babies in April, May or June because 6 weeks just isn't long enough.
We finally had to take Adelyn in for an acid reflux sonogram because she has been spitting up after every meal and she cries in pain because her tummy is hurting her so badly. We haven't gotten the results back but we should hear from them today. Hopefully they can give us something to help her digest her milk because right now it's all coming back up. She did great at the sonogram by the way. I was so worried because she wasn't going to be able to eat for 3 hours prior to the test, and lets just say my child eats like every two hours. I just knew that last hour was going to be awful. But lucky for me, she slept all the way until the time of the test and just started to cry when we got there. More importantly, they got us right in so she could eat!
This past weekend we also went to our first pool party. We have a super cute swimsuit, but it doesn't fit yet so I bought Adelyn and her cousin Leighton matching Memorial Day outfits to wear. We had so much fun at the cookout, but we couldn't stay outside very long because it was just too hot outside. I guess I won't be getting my much needed tan this summer because I don't think Addy can take the heat. At the cookout, we also got our first real smile from Adelyn. My dad was talking to her in his different voices and she started beaming and I thought she was going to start laughing, but she just smiled. I wished I had got it on camera, but I wasn't fast enough.
She also almost crawled right off of her lamb mat. We put her down and she was not happy. She went from position A to right off the mat in a matter of seconds by moving her feet. (We also did not get this on camera). So I'm sure that crawling and lots of smiles are just around the corner!

Oh and if you are a facebook friend of mine I wanted to apologize for my oh so many pictures on facebook. I just can't help sharing her with my friends and family. So I won't be offended if anyone needs to block my status's from showing because I probably won't be able to stop posting pictures of my sweet girl!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Adelyn is one month old!

I can't believe Adelyn is already one month old! For her one month birthday she had quite the celebration. We spent the past weekend in San Antonio for Rene's cousin, Megan's, wedding! The wedding was so beautiful and Adelyn got so much attention. Her grandpa Paul was on baby duty as Rene and I were both in the wedding. I think Grandpa was in heaven. He spent the pre wedding hour watching Spurs and watching Adelyn sleep. Then he held her and fed her during the ceremony. Thank goodness she was super quiet because I would have been so embarrassed had she been screaming. During the reception she was grandpa's little angel. We think she likes loud noises because she either is wide-eyed the whole time or sleeps the entire time. Her grandpa took her around to every person he knew at the reception to show her off, though he was a baby hog and wouldn't let anyone hold her. He told them they could look at her but couldn't hold her because she was all his. I secretly was glad for this because I didn't want her to get too many germs on her!
During the wedding weekend we finally had our first night of almost, and I mean almost full sleep. We purchased this rock'n sleep bed for her. It is basically a little bed that is on an incline and you can rock it back and forth with your hand. She loves this and finally sleeps so well in. She was either sleeping in her swing or on my chest. She just refuses to sleep on her back or in the pack'n play so this is proving to be a good solution since we can't swaddle her. On Friday night Rene and I actually got to sleep in the same bed. Adelyn slept from 1:00-5:00, then I fed her and she slept again from 5:30-8:00. Mommy and daddy got some much needed sleep. Though she still makes so many noises when she sleeps because she is so stopped up. We are running the humidifier every night, but so far it hasn't been much help.
Adelyn is also taking to the bottle well. We are only giving it to her once a day and will move to three times a day next week! Her favorite thing to do is make these hilarious grunting noises when she is eating or trying to go the restroom. I feel so bad because her poor tummy hurts, but the noise is so funny that Rene and I can't help but laugh.
She also loves the tv. In the hotel, we laid her on the bed with all of the lights off except for the television and I think she watched the tv for almost an hour without making a peep. I know this is a bad habit already, but we had to get things done for the wedding!
 The above picture is Adelyn at the bridesmaids luncheon! She was so alert and pretty in pink!
The above picture is Adelyn on her one month birthday at the wedding!
I can't believe how much she has grown already. I let her lay on my chest and she just feels so much longer. I know what people mean when they say that the little ones grow so fast. I'm a little sad, but I can't wait to see how beautiful and active she becomes as she grows! I am just so in love with her and I am so thankful I get to spend the entire summer with her before I have to go back to work!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

She's got me wrapped around her little finger

My how quickly my life has changed in 2 weeks! Adelyn is 2 weeks old today! She has already gained 2 pounds and 7 ounces! She really likes to eat. For almost a year I prepared myself for what I thought it was going to be like to be a mommy, but I'm starting to realize it's much more complicated than that.
I am REALLY not a night person, which has been rather difficult for me because Adelyn likes to eat and stay up all night long. We have tried and tried to put her in the crib, or even the pack n' play, but so far she either screams until you pick her up or will only sleep for about an hour. This makes for one very tired mommy. I know everyone says to sleep when she sleeps, but when your such a day person this is very difficult. I try to sleep when she does, but every noise she makes I startle and I have to force myself to not get up and go check on her. She also eats every 1-2 hours, making actually falling asleep almost impossible. It feels like right when I just fall asleep, she is hungry again. We finally had to introduce her to the pacifier. This is helping a little bit, though she already knows the difference between that and the real things. :)

Another thing I wasn't completely prepared for was driving with her in the car. I am so terrified to even drive on the street because I'm afraid someone will hit me. For now, I am driving Rene's truck so we can save money to purchase a crossover this summer, and his truck is soooo large that it scares me. I have to park like a mile away from anywhere because it's so hard to manuever that vehicle. Adelyn's car seat is so heavy that it makes walking that far quite painful on my arms. Though I should have some amazing biceps here pretty soon!

For everyone that knows me I absolutely LOVE my dogs and spoil them so much. I was so worried about how they would react to her. But so far, they have been great. Sadie likes to give her head baths and every time we fall asleep on the couch, Sadie is right there sleeping with us. Chloe is still a little unsure about her. Chloe will come and sniff her and as soon as she makes a move Chloe will jump backwards. The most important thing is that they have not been aggressive towards her. They seem very interested and very calm. This has made things so much easier for me because I hate to see my dogs suffering from lack of attention. Rene and I make sure to walk them twice a day and always let them sniff her when we are holding her.

Adelyn had her first doctor's appointment and it went much better than I expected. We didn't have to wait at all and they were so patient with her while she was crying. (She hadn't eaten in 4 hours due to some blood work at the hospital and was very hungry). They said she looks fantastic and is very healthy! What more could a mom ask for! Though I told Rene he was taking her to her two month appointment because I don't want to watch them give her the shots. I know it probably won't bother me, but she's just so little that I don't want her to be in pain.

I think my favorite thing about being her mom is just looking at her. I love watching her sleep. She makes all of these cute noises as she is dreaming. Then when she wakes up she stretches her body out just like her dad and gives you that look like why are you waking me up. It is so cute. When she is awake she is such a little squirmer. She holds her head up high and moves her arms and legs all around. You really have to hold her tight or she will try to jump out of your arms. She also has these beautiful blue eyes. They may decide to turn green, but for now they are just so big and beautiful and I love looking at them!

Now that we are at two weeks, I'm hoping that the nightly feedings will start to get better here pretty soon. The doctor says I can start pumping at 3 weeks, so hopefully then I can get some real sleep! Until next time.....