Friday, June 7, 2013


My summer officially began yesterday at 11:30 a.m. I am not exactly sure how I made it, but I did! I cannot believe this school year is over. I had a class for the record books this year, and I feel like I need to share parts of my journey with you all. As I was watching television last night I began to come up with one word to describe my class/my year. I was not able to come up with one word, but several words to describe what all transpired over this past year in my classroom. Those words are: fun, character, chaotic, potential, tough, energetic, aggressive, exhausting, busy, challenging, opportunistic, active, blessed, and memorable.
When I started the beginning of the school year back in August I truly felt like I had no idea what I was doing. Maybe it was that I was on maternity leave for almost 4 months and that I didn't think much about school that entire time, or maybe God just was giving me a class that truly needed my help and guidance. I'm hoping it's the second, because I fully intend to take as much time off with my next child as I did with Adelyn. With that being said, I know that God put these 23 children in my life to show me several things.

Almost all of my students needed me in different ways. There are many days where I felt like I was being pulled in all directions and I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle it. Not only was I sleep deprived the whole first semester, my brain was on overload all the time. I had to figure out how to sort out all of the different situations that were arising and how to best help each and every one of those kids in my class the best way that I could. I won't lie, there are some days that weren't so pretty and I had several come to Jesus talks with several students, but when I look back now there were also several days where we really just had fun. I had the most energetic group of boys and they were so excited about pretty much everything and they let me know about it very loudly!

Somewhere towards spring break (I was sleeping much better at this point), I began to realize my love for these children. I began to fear what would happen to them next year because I know that many of them are going to have quite a journey of their own. I know their adventures will lead to hard times down the road, and I hope that I was able to give them enough positivity, courage, and strength to face the many ups and downs in their futures.

You know the saying "God won't give you anything you can't handle?" Well God sure did trust me way too much this year. Even though it was tough, and exhausting, and emotional we all survived this year. My team and I worked our tails off and I know it showed because I got 100% on reading and dibels for the first time, and when I begin the school year I wasn't sure that was possible.
I have learned so many things from this school year. I think being a first time mom made me see a few things in a different light. I have always had patience for little ones, but my patience and understanding grew by leaps and bounds this year. I have learned that nothing is ever as it seems. I have learned to have fun while lesson planning and don't spend too much on TPT. I have learned that tomorrow really is a new day and it's okay to totally change everything up and redo it. Most importantly I learned that teaching is a team effort even if your team isn't in the classroom with you.
I am truly blessed that God gave me the opportunity to work with some amazing kids and I will never forget them.

But I couldn't have survived this school year without some amazing people in my life.
First, to my husband for listening to me complain, talk, and tell my funny stories everyday.
Second, to my mom, she is always my biggest supporter and always knows the right thing to do.
Third, to my amazing team. Joanne, Christian, and Sherry...never have we all had to lean on each other some much as we did this year. Everything fit together and I survived with all of your help and support and I am so lucky to have such good friends.
Fourth- to my babysitter. I truly could not go to work every morning if I didn't know that my baby was safe and well cared for. Not once did I worry about Adelyn's whereabouts because I know that Adelyn was her number one priority. My sweet girl loves her babysitter and is always so happy and has learned so much from Mrs. Cameron! We are so lucky that we get to go back next year!
And last but not least, to my sweet Adelyn. I made it through everyday because I couldn't wait to see the bright smiling face that she always has for me. Every day when we went home and played together she helped to remind me that my class was still a group of babies that needed my love and support.

Well it is time to go and enjoy my summer vacation! If I have time, I will post about my summer fun, but if not, then see you next August!