Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sleep deprived....

The past month has been one of the hardest months I've ever had to endure. Working full time, trying to breastfeed and pump and be a mom is probably the most exhausting thing I've ever done.
I have a brand new class this year with lots of new opportunities! I have never had a class quite like this one before and though it is taking us longer to get to where we need to be, I know we will get there :) Trying to pump while work is taking quite a toll on my daily to do list. I pump right before I leave my house, I pump during my lunch break, and then right after school. When you add all the time up it's almost an hour out of my busy day that I could have spent planning/preparing things for my classroom. While I'm not complaining, I will just be glad when I am finished with it. I really thought I would stop nursing all together this past week, but for some reason I have decided to keep going until Adelyn is 6 months old. This is only another month and like two weeks so I know it's doable. By the time I get home, cook dinner, give Adelyn a bath, feed her and play with her I'm absolutely exhausted. (I don't know how those with more than one do it!) I then have to pull out my laptop and finish all of the things I didn't get to during the day. Unfortunately for Rene and I, Adelyn is still not sleeping through the night. She wakes up sometime around 12, 1, 2, or 3 for a feeding and then around 5. Though sometimes like last night, we were up from midnight until 2:30 with some major reflux and then she was hungry again at 4:00. So I basically got like 2 hours of sleep at night. When you work with five year olds all day it is so hard to be tired because they just keep going and going. And yes people constantly tell me "put her on formula, swaddle her, read her books, blah blah blah" YES....I DO ALL OF THESE THINGS. Her last two feedings before bed include formula and rice cereal. Her problem is that because of her reflux she is just not a big eater. She rarely takes more than 3-4 ounces in one feeding, when at this age she should be taking 6-7. So she gets hungrier often. I keep hoping that one day I'm going to wake up and realize I slept 8 hours! As soon as this happen, trust me, I will announce it to the world!
On another note, Adelyn has started physical therapy to hopefully fix her torticolus. She has a 10 degree tilt in the right side of her neck. Because of this she has to go to one hour of physical therapy once a week for 4-6 months. One hour is a very long time for a little one such as herself. The worst part is we are supposed to do lots of stretches with her and make her do one hour of tummy time everyday. She is not a big fan of tummy time and does NOT like her stretches at all. I keep telling her that it's for her own good and she will thank me later!
She is also rolling over from her back to tummy and vice versa. She first learned how to roll from tummy to back and then two days ago she rolled from her back to tummy. It's so cute when she does it because she has such chunky arms and legs that her arms get like stuck under her belly and she can't figure out how to move them!
I know I have said it a thousand times but she has grown so much and her little laugh is my absolute favorite part of my day! Every time I make myself and after school to do list and check everything off as soon as I can so I can go and pick her up. I love teaching kindergarten and being able to guide them but I also love being a mommy! Now if I could just find the perfect balance between the two then I would be a much happier, wiser, and well rested teacher and mom!