Sunday, April 21, 2013

Adelyn's first birthday!

Okay so I know I am the world's worst blogger, but my life is just so incredibly busy. But I feel like if I don't blog about this huge milestone, then I will not forget it, but I will forget the details and I never want to forget those.
I knew that becoming a mom would change me forever, but I really didn't know how much until I sat and held my baby girl as she fell asleep on the night before she turned one. This past Thursday, I had the kindergarten program at my school (my kids did awesome), so I had to be home late. I told my husband that he had to keep Adelyn up until I got home because I wanted to rock her to sleep before she turned one. My husband thought I was crazy, but being the loving man that he is, he did it anyway. When I got home, she was still all smiles and I quickly made her a bottle and began to rock her to sleep. As I sat there holding her, thousands (and yes I mean thousands) of memories started streaming through my brain. How could I, being the quirky person that I am, have created such a masterpeice. My brain went over everything that I have experienced with her: the awful back labor I endured for way too long, seeing her for the first time, bringing her home, watching her roll over and cheer like Tech just scored the winning goal, eating rice cereal, taking her first big girl bath, crawling towards the shiny Christmas presents, eating her first meal of mac and cheese, and most recently her walking ALL over my house. It just amazes me what all can happen in one year.
My heart has grown so much since I've had Adelyn. Every time I look at her, I get a giddy feeling in my stomach. She and my husband are the best things that have ever happened to me. A teacher I work with told me that when she had her first baby, every day when the bell rang it was like she had to get all of her work done quickly so she could get home to a hot date (her baby). I feel this exact same way and as I was driving to pick her up the other day, I told myself that I will be looking forward to this hot date everyday until Adelyn goes to college. I LOVE picking her up and hearing about her day (she tells me on the long ride home in a babble!). We get home and start cleaning and then we sit by the window with Sadie and Chloe and wait until we see Daddy pull up in his truck. Then we peek on the window and Adelyn puts on her big grin and waves to her daddy! I mean can life get any better than this?!
I have mixed emotions about her turning one. I'm pretty sure I've never been more excited about a birthday party that wasn't mine (details to come in another blog entry). Adelyn has grown so much in the past year. I am not a very emotional person, but just thinking about how much time has passed makes me cry. I've created a perfect little girl and I am the lucky momma who gets to help her grow up. I get to teach her how to ride a bike, hold a pencil, how to read, among many other things. I am so glad that God chose me to be her mom, because I just love everything about her and my life wouldn't be the same with out her!

Okay now that I've forced tears out of my eyes, I will stop. Coming up soon (pictures from Adelyn's awesome Minnie Mouse party) and details about what all I did to prepare!

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