Sunday, February 13, 2011

I am full of Glee

So as anyone that knows anything about me knows that I am obsessed with the tv show Glee. Well today at White's Chapel UMC the sermon was about Glee. It wasn't about the show persay, but more about the message of Glee. In the dictionary, Glee means absolute happiness! I think that is why I love that word so much. The minister spoke about what it means to be content in your own life. This message hit really close to home for me. People I know all around me are having babies, buying houses, and buying cars. And what do I get, none of those currently. Everytime I hear of someone I know that is getting something know I get a little bit jealous and wish it were me. But the sermon today helped to remind me of the beautiful and wonderful things I do have in my life that I shouldn't be taking for granted. I have a wonderful family who loves me, a couple of best friends that I wouldn't trade for the world, 2 amazing dogs who I love with all my heart, 20 wonderful children who make my days so much brighter, and a team full of kinder teachers that are there for me every day. No I may not be as thin as I want to be or have as much money as I want to have. But I am a pretty determined person, and I find a way to do all of things I really want to do and I enjoy them to the fullest.

The most important part of that sermon was being happy with you have, and I am very happy with what I have. I may need to learn a little patience because my time will come to get all of those things, but for now I just need to enjoy the wonderful things I do have!

So after the sermon, I went to the Chocolate Festival at Central Market with Rene, my mom, and sister! AMAZING......I love chocolate and this truly is one of the greatest things Central Market puts on. Then I got in an hour long workout. Next I enjoyed a pedicure with my mom! Then I ended my night making Valentine's cookies for my sweet husband. My little family is so perfect and I can't wait to watch it grow eventually. But for now I am pretty content with my two baby girls who love to snuggle with me every night :)


  1. I needed to read this extremely bad! I am in the exact same situation as you... When I see people with jobs, babies, houses and more I am extremely jealous. But I am completely blessed and am loved beyond all measure by a God that never forsakes you and loves us unconditionally!

  2. I'm glad I could help! You are welcome to go and see the sermon at the Whites Chapel website or go and hear the next one this Sunday!
