Saturday, November 10, 2012

My how 6 months flies......

I apologize to anyone that even glances at my blog because I never have time to write on here. My life is so crazy when I get home I never even think about updating my blog. What's worse is that I can't believe it is almost the middle of November! That means that football season is almost over :( I love, love, love football season. I could sit and watch college football every Saturday the entire year. Unfortunately it is a lot harder to watch football with Adelyn, but we make sure to give her a good nap during the Tech game! Adelyn  made her first road trip to College Station for the Aggie/LSU game. She was wearing her purple and gold to support our Tigers, which did come out with the win by the way. I was pretty nervous because I knew it was going to be loud and she wouldn't be able to take a nap (she is a very light sleeper). Lucky for her during the game, no one was at the tailgate so she took a good two hour nap in her stroller. She even napped in the RV while the frat party next to use blarred their music as loud as it could go for about 30 minutes. The same day as the Aggie game Adelyn turned 6 months. I truly cannot believe that she was not even in this world 6 months ago (now almost 7 months ago since I'm so behind on updating). I honestly could not imagine my life without her anymore! I am so ridicuously in love with her. I'm sure every mom is, and I know why: your baby is just the best thing ever. If you've had a bad day, you can look at that grin and you pretty much forget everything else that happened that day. If you know that your husband keeps telling you to stay in budget and you keep telling him that it was your baby's fault then you just know she is well taken care of. I mean she grows like a weed!
At her 6 month appointment, she weighed in at 17.4 lbs and 25 1/2 inches long. She is 70% in the weight and 35% in height. This was shocking to us because Rene and I are both fairly tall people and I'm pretty sure niether of us were ever below the 70% range when we were babies. Adelyn's Mimi (Rene's mom is rather short), so if Adeliou is a shrimp we know where she got it from! She is still going to physical therapy twice a month. She went today and they said that she was looking good, but still needs to keep seeing the PT.

In her 6th month, her sitter took her to a fall festival and she had so much fun! I just love that she is so curious about everything! She tried to eat the pumpkins since she thinks everything is for her mouth! She doesn't have any teeth yet thank goodness because I'm not sure I'm ready for the teething stage.
I tried to stop nuring her when she turned 6 months, but I just couldn't do it. I just love nursing her and giving her the best of what i've got. I've told myself I won't go too much longer because it's a lot of work. I am so glad I have nursed this long because I have enjoyed the whole experience plus I have lost all my baby weight plus more!!! We did finally start her on baby food with the help of a great cook friend of mine, I was able to make her food and freeze it. So far we have tried peas, which she hated, she loved the sweet potato, and we just recently tried broccoli (only because I defrosted the wrong one) and she liked it the first day but then said "no thank you" the second day. We will keep working on that! Next up is carrots. She is also still taking prevacid for her reflux but it has gotten tremenduously better!

I think the absolute best thing about her turning 6 months is.................................................................................she is finally sleeping through the night and..............she is sleeping in her crib! She slept through the night for 2 straight weeks then got a massive cold and could barely breathe so we moved her back to the rocker for about a week to help clear the congestion. She finally made it back to the crib last night and only had one coughing spell at 1:40 am, though this whole time change thing is not for babies. It would be my luck that she prefers to sleep on her stomach, so I have to get up around midnight to check on her, but I am so glad to finally be getting some much needed sleep! Video monitors are truly a great thing. If you have debated about getting one, I highly recommend it.

Now that I'm getting some much needed rest, I feel like I'm actually doing much better at my job. I have been giving it all i've got since the beginning but at least now I don't feel like my fuel tank is running on empty. My class is progressing so well and I have fallen in love with all of the sweet kids in my room. Sometimes they can be crazy, but they are so kind hearted and are always asking about me and Adelyn, so I know how much they care!

Well it's an early game day, so we are headed to our friends house to watch the Red Raiders!

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